Wondering how to write a blog posts that people will actually read? First you should realize that there are two types of bloggers: average and successful. The difference is defined by knowledge, technique, and experience, but also by willpower, intuition, and pro-activity.
If you want people to read your blog, you need to provide what most people can’t:
- Uniqueness and originality
- Out-of-the-box thinking
- Quality over quantity mindset
- Customer needs over profits mindset
- Stronger messages in fewer words
- A unique writer’s voice full of confidence and passion
- Consistency and persistence
- Digital marketing, branding, and communication skills
Okay, don’t feel threatened – you mustn’t have them all. If you do have them all, it means you’re already doing it right, and that your blog shall climb the ladder quick.
The word “blog” is often misinterpreted. Some people perceive it as a simple article, while others perceive it as the website that hosts the articles.
Today’s post includes both possibilities and provides several insightful perspectives, suggestions, tips, and tricks. Pay attention, take notes, and make sure you put it all into practice!
Here are 5 Tips To Write a Blog Posts that People Will Actually Read
1. Quality vs Quantity
Nowadays, the internet is full of blogs, information, and advertisers that intrusively try to make profits. Most internet users have developed an anti-marketing shield that usually works on a subconscious level. Marketers call it “the barriers to purchase” or the “barriers to attention”.
Focusing on quality over quantity is an incredibly simple way of attaining that. When you focus on writing one exceptional blog instead of five average one, people will remark. They will pay attention, and they will keep coming back. But if you give them useless quantity, they will simply have no reason to read or ever come back to your blog again.
2. Total Understanding of the Reader
When you’re having sex, you’re doing it with your partner, not to your partner. That’s a good way of putting it when it comes to addressing the target reader. Before you start writing a post, you should imagine that you’ll sort of dialogue (but more like a monologue) with an individual (the reader) that is all eyes and ears.
You should take the reader on a journey. You are the driver, and you’re supposed to know the destination. Get your reader from point A to point B, or else they’ll get out of the car and find another driver to pay.
When readers feel that your blog is craved exactly for them, they’ll become loyal and perseverant with their visits.
3. Expand Your Resources
Look, not every blogger is also a great writer. You can be an exceptional entrepreneur who has just started out with a blog, but maybe your future is to create global solutions through collaborative strategizing – that’s a thing too, and it involves different skills than writing.
Ray Johns, Founder of Rush My Essay service suggests that “if your blog’s purpose is to expand the reach of your/other business, you should immediately consider outsourcing true professionals that know how to type the right words.”
If you need content development, proofreading, and general editing, I’d suggest you look into paid content writing tools and services. For example:
- Grammarly Premium (the best grammar spellchecker)
- Custom essay order (a place where you can find superior writers)
- Copyscape (a tool that detects the plagiarism, saving you a lot of trouble)
Obviously, you should look for more content writing tools and identify the ones that will help you most in your unique pursuit.
4. Appeal to People’s Emotions
Emotional content rocks. It is extremely powerful because we, human beings, we’re emotional beings that leverage reason (not always). If you trigger emotions, people will pay attention because they’ll suddenly start to “feel” that something’s relevant to them and that they mustn’t miss it.
Emotions are also great because they lead people to action. If you tell people that their health, family, or dreams are in danger, they’ll make sure to react before its too late.
The strongest emotions you can generate both through blog titles and blog content are love, compassion, altruism, motivation, inspiration, achievement but also fear (and there are so many fears to “play” with).
5. Stay Consistent and Adapt to Your Failure’s Teachings
Read that again if you wish. Staying consistent means not giving up after writing 100 blog posts that brought insufficient and unsatisfying results. It means testing tirelessly without accepting the limitation of mediocrity. All you need to do is test, measure, and optimize your blogging approach (ADAPT).
Once you approach this mindset, where absolutely every “bad” feedback is taken as a priceless lesson, blogging will turn into a play, and when play and passion are present, success will also be present.
The Takeaway
Remarkable content sells. But what is remarkable? Remarkable comes from the infinitive “to remark”, and to remark something means to prioritize your time and attention to consume something and eventually share it with others.
That is your goal – to make the reader think and feel that your work is remarkable. If you manage that, you can call yourself a master writer.
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