Want to write a guest post that converts like crazy? This article will help you to do just that.
Not getting quite the kick out of your guest posting efforts that you thought? Guest posting has withstood the test of time as an effective part of any digital marketing strategy. However, it does take a slightly different approach to be successful than trying to convert readers locally on your own website or blog.
By following some simple guidelines, you can up your guest posting game to improve your bottom line
1. It all starts with knowing your audience
If you’ve been blogging a while, you’re probably thinking “But I already know MY audience.” That’s true, but you’re not writing for YOUR blog. Even if you’re in the same industry, the platform you are guest posting on might have a slightly different niche or demographic.
In fact, expanding your audience is one of the top benefits of guest posting in the first place.
So, try to come up with some reader profiles before you attempt your guest posting content. Some of your own might transfer, but try to figure out what might be different characteristics in this new audience.
You can reach out to the blog’s staff directly to ask for this information, often as part of blogger outreach services. Some even provide it with a guest posting kit. However, you can also infer it from reading some of their other content and looking directly at their follower profiles. The comments are usually a good source for these.
2. Come up with an irresistible topic and headline
Once you know your audience, your search for a relevant, engaging, and interesting topic should be narrowed down. Remember to look at the kind of info readers mostly look for and engage with. This should give you an idea of whether to structure it as a guide, informative piece, Op-Ed, etc.
Also, make sure to only write about something that provides value. For example, avoid writing about saturated topics or ones that were recently covered. However, this doesn`t contradict content repurposing. Take a look at these 11 ideas by Luckyposting to use this strategy maximally effective.
As many as 80% of people read the headline, but only about 20% read the copy. Your headline is the hook to catch your fish in the brimming ocean called the internet. It may be the only chance you have, so make it catchy, memorable, and crystal clear.
In the social media age, an irresistible headline is even more important to catch readers’ attention while scrolling through their feeds.
3. Structure your content for easy reading
- Subheadings
- Bullet points
- Short sections and paragraphs
Most people scan a piece of content before they read it. Some only scan it for the important bits and never read the entire thing. If I just listed those three items in the middle of a random paragraph would you have seen them while scanning? Probably not.
Using subheadings and bullet points where appropriate will allow readers to quickly pick up interesting tidbits. Short sections and paragraphs also help structure the content logically and break up the page so it doesn’t feel like a wall of text.
If used savvily, you might even convert a reader before reading the entire piece with a clear CTA.
4. Use images, video, and other media
We all know attention spans are dwindling. We all know that images and video are better at capturing and holding our attention.
However, did you also know posts with videos are more likely to be shared on social media? Did you know SERP results with video have a higher click-through rate? Did you know savvy content writers are even going as far as VR to engage users?
To top it off, visual content helps break to break up and beautify your article. It also creates a sense of extra effort and professionalism.
5. Have a clear call to action in your guest post
You have to give people a good reason to go to your site. Sure, great content is already a positive advertisement for your business, but people need to know what you can do for them.
What problem can your product, service or information solve? What gap can it fill in the readers’ lives?
The second question is often overlooked but arguably even more important. Research shows that consumers are strongly attuned to FOMO or what they lack. Pointing out an issue you could solve can be even more powerful than just pointing out a benefit.
On top of answering this question and giving users a clear path to take, a CTA also gives your content an anchor point.
If you manage to convince them to follow through, you can immediately offer them a lead magnet on your site. This is still one of the most effective ways to grow a newsletter list or your subscribers.
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