Today I’m giving you some email marketing tips. Even though people from all over the world have almost unlimited access to various types of instant messaging systems, statistics show that emails still play a significant role in our everyday communication, be it business-related or personal.
According to research, in 2018 alone, an estimated 280 billion emails were sent, a number that just can’t be ignored. The demographics show that there are no restrictions when it comes to age, sex, or occupation of regular email users, which makes this communication option a powerful marketing playfield.
However, even with all these benefits, enterprises have a difficult time getting a full grasp of how an email strategy should be built. Therefore, we decided to let you in on a few tips that should help you create a successful email marketing campaign.
Here are 6 Tips to Create an Engaging Email Marketing Campaigns
1. Set up a goal
It’s not enough to just get as many emails as you can and send a random text that vaguely introduces the reader with your new product, service or upcoming attraction. A campaign should have firm foundations, which means you have to decide what you actually wish to achieve at the end of your campaign.
You can use email marketing to get higher traffic on your website, boost sales, or simply scale your brand awareness and let the people know you’re there, waiting for them. Once you have a clear intention of your marketing campaign, you can move on and plan the next course of action.
2. Research your target audience
Unless it’s your first large-scale marketing campaign, you already have a clear picture of who your target audience is. Nevertheless, it’s not a bad idea to take a look at Google Analytics, or Facebook Insights in order to make sure you know your audience, their age, location, interests, and other metrics that would make it easier for you to achieve your campaign goals.
Knowing your target audience is important for the tone of your email, the content you wish to share, the vocabulary you would use. Different groups of people react differently to any piece of content, therefore, it’s wise to know who you are going to address in your email.
3. Use email marketing tools
As technology progresses it makes it easier to perform any sort of activity, the same goes with email marketing. Some of the best email marketing tools allow you not only to send emails faster; they also facilitate scheduling and automatic email distribution, cross-platform connectivity, audience segmentation, and similar tools to make your job much easier.
You can take the whole thing one step further and hire online writers to create custom emails so you can focus on more pressing issues. Some of the best assignment help services like EssayMama, or assignment masters have some amazing scores on Edu Birdie reviews.
4. Get those subscribers
You can create the best possible marketing campaign with some of the most compelling content, created by the most gifted copywriters; however, it’s not going to mean as much if you don’t have a wide pool of subscribers. There are some great ways in which you could gather new people interested in what you have to offer.
One of the ways to get new subscribers is to use page-level targeting for your email subscription forms. This method allows you to set up a specific condition under which subscription forms would appear to your visitors. Depending on those preset terms, you can choose to display different messages, email schedule options, and basically create a custom subscription form for the specific type of visitors.
5. Think about the subject line
The first contact that your subscribers have with your email is the subject line. If that first impression doesn’t hit the spot with the reader, your entire effort would be pointless. According to research, subject lines should contain 40-50 characters. This is a subject line length that would read well on multiple devices, browsers, and email clients.
The same resource tells us that subject lines that contain 7 words show the best click rate. In addition, adding a personalized tone to the subject line also shows a high engagement level – adding a recipient’s name is always a good choice of action. You should also avoid spam trigger words, as subscribers tend to move those types of emails directly to trash without even reading the rest of the email.
6. Create a compelling message
Finally, we hit the essence, the email content that should connect you with your subscribers and create a long-term bond, but most importantly achieve your campaign goal. If writing is not your most powerful weapon, then you can look for online writing services like Australian Essays, Australian Writings, or some other of your choice.
The point is that you should keep your messages clear, personalized, and versatile. Your message should include your company story that would bring the readers closer to what you represent. You should also place some valuable educational content that will bring something new and refreshing to those who read your message. Above all, keep in mind your readers’ interests, values, and needs.
The data is clear – emails are here to stay and it feels as if this form of communication is growing strong above all expectations. It was one of the first forms of online communication, and it’s still crushing through the competition.
Remember that the success of your email marketing campaign, above all, depends on your ability to utilize all the tools and best practices and adjust them to your needs, and your target audience. We really hope these pieces of advice will help you push your campaign to astonishing success but feel free to add some of your own spices in the mix.
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